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Nicollet takes pride in the rapid response and quality service provided by its volunteer fire department. The citizens who make up this elite group exemplify the spirit of giving by devoting their time to help others in time of need.

Nicollet Fire & Rescue

Current Members

Jason Arndt
Adam Aschenbrenner

Andy Broderick

Don Darling - Vice President
Torrance Day - Secretary

Adam Erickson

Mike Euerle

Peter Finken

Devron Havemeier

Tucker Horning

Justin Laven - Assistant Chief

Matt Lorentz - 2nd Captain

Doug Maas
Shane Nelson

Bryan Olson

Scot Osborne - President

Joel Polzin

Dale Polzin

Brad Pyan

Roberto Reyes

Lloyd Roberts

Jeremy Sieberg - Chief

Mike Slater - 1st Captain

Alec Smith

Darius Steen

Derek Wahl - Relief Treasurer

Honorary Members

Jeremy Arndt

Tony Beckius

Charlie Epper

Fred Froehlich

Virgil "Dood" Grunst

Chad Klingerman

Gary Kollmann

Dale Krohn

Bill Landin

Bill Magers

Tom Rieke

Bruce Schmidt

Bob Schuck

Chris Shay

Craig Stevensen

Glenn Thompson

Gary Thompson

Brian Thompson

Dave Wagner

Clete Wenner

Al Wills

Dave Wills

Paul Zins

Mark Zins

Paul M. Zins

Kurt Zins


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